Five Ways Regenerative Grazing Guru Greg Judy ROCKS The Boat of Conventional Farming… and in my opinion many of his principles are downright SPIRITUAL… shhhh!
1. Lease the land instead of owning it.
2. Don’t need barns or other buildings
3. Don’t need hay making or other heavy metal machinery
4. GRAZE your hayfields and use them for winter stockpile. BUY hay and spread it out. It brings someone else’s minerals to your farm. and the animals fertilize it as they move across it so. you don’t need a manure spreader machine.
5. Keep the boy & girl animals separate until the timing is right for calves & lambs born in the SPRING… on GRASS… in WARM weather (duh).
peace, love and Groovyness!
– Mark
P.S. Check out Greg’s Channel here:…
Check out his Website: