Nobody can articulate the crazy of federal meat laws quite like “Lunatic” Farmer, Joel Salatin.
This is REQUIRED watching for anyone who cares about clean, healthy, LOCAL, organic, regenerative FRESH, small farm food. For those who are happy with factory farms, animals who never go outside and food wrapped in plastic, it might be time to wake up.
At Healing Pastures, we use a local custom un-inspected butcher. We have to give our meat away and you can “donate” to support our efforts. But we can’t “sell” it.
Healing Pastures is a farm church. Our members can support our work. It’s like a CSA, Community Supported Agriculture… or in our case, Church Supported Agriculture. The reality is that by using a custom butcher, our animals never have to get on a trailer and go to a slaughter house. Our butcher comes to the farm and harvests the animal instantly. This means there is no cortisol or other fight or flight hormones coursing through the animal. Our animals live the best life possible and their lives are taken seriously, reverently and as painlessly as possible.
Thank you for your support.
– Mark