THE SHEEP ARE LOOSE! The dogs are out! HELP! The gate malfunctioned and the sheep and LGDs Spike and Luna ended up wandering around the farm unsupervised… except by the beef cattle…
Extricating them from the cows without the cows “helping” proved to be a SERIOUS challenge for me the other day. I managed to focus on my breath and ground myself enough to come up with 3 absolutely useless plans and then a 4th one that actually was a SOLUTION!
or as I like to say, SOUL-LOTION!
My farming collaborator Cory Vinyard showed up at exactly the right moment to help me during the last tricky maneuver getting the sheep back in to their winter quarters without the ones getting out that I’d already gotten back in…
It was quite a week! Plus the Ducks totally disappeared!
Check out “The Case of the Missing Ducks: Coyotes? Alien Ab-DUCK-shin?” for THAT story.
in the meantime, my new mantra is “EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED” as much as I hate surprises, I LOVE learning. So let this be yet another lesson to the little grasshoppers out there and in here.
One of the BEST things about farming or starting your own business or attempting to make a living doing something that more “sensible” folks know is impossible, is that even though “stuff” happens, and there are often hard lessons to be learned, It feels really, really good to rise to the CHALLENGES!
Cowabungah! Shazaam!
Peace! Love! Groovyness!
– Mark