That’s the LOVE part.
The LIGHT part is a song called GUIDING LIGHT by Foy Vance that has just been etching it’s way onto my soul for the past week or two. I HAD to record it.
EVEN THOUGH I have 4 other songs a lot closer to being DONE, that I SHOULD have worked on and released… I decided to not “should on myself” and went with what felt like Spirit guiding… me towards the… LIGHT.
So I started Tuesday and worked feverishly every spare moment on it… I hadn’t played the low whistle in a while so that was tricky… but after countless takes and attempts I got something simple that supported the song rather than got in the way…
That’s always the goal. To add just enough to support the message or the project but not TOO much. :o)
Anyway, in the process of putting the Sunday message together Saturday afternoon around Sunset, Luna the livestock guardian dog decided to protect the sheep from a possum. (or an Opossum for you folks who like to correct me ;o).
I managed to get her to leave it. GOOD DAWG! Hopefully it was just playing dead and she didn’t kill it. It’s hard to know with possums.
But it was a really good test of her willingness to learn the command, “LEAVE IT!” and she reluctantly left it and rejoined the flock just as the sun was winking out.
Whew! a great week on the farm and I hope you have a great week coming up! (regardless of when this shows up in your life).
Remember in the dark times to focus on the light! and the LOVE!
Peace, Love & Groovyness!
– Mark