This week’s Sunday Message is all abowt GETTING BACK TO YOUR PUPOSE PATH. That “thing” you “came here to do.” For me it’s Farming, spirituality and music… (cuz for me, they are all the One Thing).
Sometimes getting “back on purpose” means letting go of things you THOUGHT were your purpose at one time but turned out to be “distractions” or “side paths.” Either way, its “all good!” Every “path with heart” leads to the same place. The important thing is to either be on your path or working towards getting back on it.
This week, you “assignment” is to spend 10 minutes doing something that fills you with joy and wonder, peace and well being. See where it takes you!
the featured song is my most recent worldwide release, “I Live In God” which is all about the fact that whatever it is that created us is NOT separate from us or vice versa. If God is the “sea of awareness” we are waves on that sea. and “all is one.”
Have a great week and don’t eat too much Halloween candy. ;o)
Peace, love and groovyness!
– Mark