his week’s Sunday Message is all about When that “Still, Small Voice” overrides the “logical bottom line” voice. In other words when it “Kicks Your A$$!”
Spike & Luna the Maremma Livestock Guardian dogs went to the vet for their annual checkup…
$500 bucks later, it turns out they both have Anaplasmosis (a tick borne disease) and Luna has Lyme as well.
So ANOTHER $400 in medications later, I found myself questioning the “logic” of spending so much money on dogs to protect the few sheep I have in my little fledging flock… but that dang “Still, small voice” that keeps calling me to do “crazy” things just says, “Give it time…”
OK. I will. Sheesh!
The featured song is “Rise Up & Dance!” Cuz I kind of needed to hear it.
Peace, Love & Groovyness!
– Mark