I often ignore “Hallmark Holidaze” but seeing as it’s Father’s Day, this week’s Sunday Message is about the “Leg-acy” of courage and determination that my dad, Lewis M. Shepard has given to those of us who know and adore him… Navigating through life with a physical handicap is hard enough when you’re young. But at almost 96 years old, my dad is right back at it after a few health setbacks. He’s getting his “legs back under him,” regaining his “footing” so to speak. (sorry about the puns it’s another one of MY compulsions ;o).
So this week’s Sunday message is dedicated to all of our parents, moms AND DADs without whom we wouldn’t be here to roll our eyes at some of the stuff we roll our eyes at… LOL.
thanks dad for your courage and determination to be strong, healthy and resilient in the face of challenges!
Peace, Love & Groovyness!
– Mark